The equipment and production process involved in the dry-process cement production line

08 Aug 2018 08:35

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Lontto machine Mechanical New dry cement production line, different from the previous production lines, the production efficiency of this piece has been improved a lot.

In order to facilitate the understanding of Lontto machine Equipment production, a brief introduction of new dry-process cement production first involved in equipment and production processes.

Currently, the equipment involved in the new dry-process cement production of Lontto machine is:Raw fuel powder equipment, raw fuel crushing equipment, cement powder equipment, cement rotary kiln and so on.
As for the production process, the same, is familiar with the crushing and pre-homogenization → raw material preparation homogenization → preheating pre-decomposition → cement clinker sintering → cement powder packaging.
Specifically, first through the crusher, raw materials grinding, cement grinding, cement rotary, Cyclone preheater and other equipment operation, take the cement rotary kiln, it is the whole dry-process cement production line used to be calcined cement clinker main equipment.
What does this device consist of? Lontto clay brick making machine I can briefly mention:The cylinder, the supporting device, the transmission device, the combustion device, the movable kiln first class components constitute the cement rotary kiln, do not think that the equipment structure has how complex, the operation is more reliable, the production process is also easier to control, is an indispensable equipment.

As for the new dry-process cement production line of the entire operation, can be simply divided into raw paper cups raw material preparation, clinker calcination and cement mill made these three processes.
"New" two characters are mainly embodied in the production line is not like the previous production line, with high efficiency, energy saving, high quality and other advantages, so that the rational use of resources to follow the sustainable development of the social environment requirements.
At present, the new dry cement line has been widely used in China, its high automation, rapid production capacity and low energy consumption, non-polluting and other advantages, by a number of mechanical equipment manufacturers welcome.
Please rest assured that Lontto machine machinery engaged in cement equipment research and development for many years, production, design experience is more abundant, our research and development, production equipment has been used in China a number of new cement dry production line, welcomed the interest of friends to visit the company, visit.

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